Web Development on CMS «Joomla!»

Website on CMS «Joomla!»

Web Development on CMS «Joomla!»

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An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.

Web Development on CMS «Joomla!»

You can order website development on the CMS “Joomla!”, Get a consultation or just navigate the prices by contacting our office in Minsk by phone +375 (17) 307-06-27, +375 (44) 474-20-25 or by emailing us mail info@itg-soft.by.

What is the CMS «Joomla!»?

CMS «Joomla!» (in Russian it is pronounced «CMS Jumla» and Translated from Swahor as «all together») - this is one of the most popular CMS-systems for content management in the world, which allows people to fill and edit sites without special knowledge in programming and HTML-layout . This system is distributed free under the GNU GPL (Free Software License).

It is important to understand that there are a lot of content management systems now and every programmer or studio says that the best for any purpose is the one on which they (their specialists) are able to work. Therefore, if you are convinced that this and this CMS is bad, and this is the only good, you can safely delete such advisers from the list of possible contractors for the development of the site. Professionals will be those employees, and, consequently, web studios who will ask you in detail what site you need and will offer the most suitable CMS for your request.

So, the content management system discussed in this article «Joomla!», perfect for creating corporate sites with responsive layout and unique design.

Benefits CMS «Joomla!»

Actually CMS Joomla! No wonder it is the second most popular CMS in the world. It contains, perhaps, all the features that any content management system now offers. And what she lacks can be added for free by installing third-party extensions with one click through the CMS itself.

We want to note the main features and advantages of this CMS:

  • the risks of not finding the right specialists to finalize the site in the future are zero. Since the CMS is “Joomla!” extremely popular (2nd place in the world in the number of sites on it), then the risk of not finding developers who will maintain and modify the site is reduced to zero. The fact is that often web studios that develop their own CMS offer the customer to create a website on them, which ties the customer forever to the web studio until he orders a new site on another CMS. Other studios simply have no reason to work with such sites and, as a result, to understand the device of these CMS
  • CMS itself and all its updates are free. No pitfalls and initially hidden information leading to additional spending in the future
  • a huge number of free extensions that you can easily modify and change their design for a new unique design. This allows you to significantly accelerate the development of the site and, as a result, reduce the budget for development
  • a huge number of paid extensions , as well as templates, which allows you to make a site quickly and cheaply by saving on a unique design. This type of site is ideal for companies that are just starting out.
  • extremely easy to create your own templates and extensions
  • backend* (part of the site for filling it) is fully optimized for mobile devices
  • scalability sites. So, if necessary, you can easily expand your site:
    • from the level of a business card site to a corporate site
    • from the corporate site level to the catalog site
    • from the level of the catalog site to the website of the online store, etc.
  • full or partial savings on maintenance. CMS «Joomla!» At the stage of site development, it allows you to easily attach all the front-end elements ** (the part of the site visible to the user) to yourself, which allows the customer to change everything if necessary, without contacting the programmers. It is worth noting that very often web studios do not do this, because the level of their programmers is trite or they want to save on development costs, and the customer does not see this, since he does not understand the details of web development. Unfortunately, we very often encounter such “sites with disabilities” that come to us for revision or maintenance.

Disadvantages CMS «Joomla!»

Like any content management system, paid or not, CMS "Joomla!" has along with its advantages a number of disadvantages:

  • considering the fact that this system is free, it has all the disadvantages of such systems, the most important of which is theincreased probability of hacking. This is due to the fact that free CMS are open source and very popular. In view of this, perhaps every second hacker tried to crack them during his career. But here we want to note that this drawback is now easily resolved in the CMS «Joomla!» due to automatic updating of the kernel of the system itself, as well as its extensions. Plus, our studio uses already purchased paid components, which nullify the possibility of hacking.
  • duplicate pages .This drawback is perhaps inherent in all CMS and can be easily resolved thanks to the correct configuration of Robots.txt, as well as the desire to install additional SEO-extensions
  • average level of “piling up” and, accordingly, the difficulty of working with the CMS interface .In view of this, this CMS is ideal for creating corporate sites on it with a complex structure and relatively complex functionality, but not simple business card sites (it’s best for them CMS «Wordpress»).


CMS «Joomla!» shows high flexibility and ease of administration:

  • almost everything can be changed on the site via CMS, without resorting to paid services of programmers
  • full editing of the description on each page of the site is possible: editing tags <title>, <description>, <keywords>, creating CNC (human-readable) links. This greatly improves the ranking of the site in search engines.
  • postponed publication of articles and news is possible. So, for example, if you go on vacation, you can create several articles on the site with the desired publication dates, and the system itself will display the articles on the right day
  • perhaps the distribution of access rights to various sections of the site by login and password
  • ease of installation and configuration of modules, plug-ins and components to expand the functionality of the site. These extensions can be: photo gallery, slider, calendar of events, blog, "Share" buttons for social. networks and much more
  • quick and convenient creation of an unlimited number of language versions is already integrated into the CMS. Moreover, all this is free
  • flexible customization of feedback forms and order forms

Unique design

«Joomla!» great for developing sites with a unique design, even though it is often associated with sites made on templates. This is due to the fact that this CMS is very simple and it is easiest for a novice web developer to start with it and make sites, of course, on templates. Here are some examples of sites with a unique design, made using CMS «Joomla!»:

If you still doubt that «Joomla!» you can make a complex site (usually it is caused by rumors from programmers who can work only with other CMS), then contact us - we will make a great site for you on the CMS «Joomla!» and prove the opposite =).

Work examples:

Template solutions

Also sites on «Joomla!» are developed using so-called template solutions or templates.

A template is actually a ready-made website with a pre-designed design and installed modules. It remains only to install this site on the hosting and fill it with content (texts and pictures).

Such solutions are perfect for small start-up organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs, since the cost and development time are extremely small. Having ordered a site on a template, you can start it in 1-2 weeks and start it Internet promotion in order to start getting first customers.


The development price of any site depends on two components:

The first is the time it takes to develop the site. So, developing a site on a template can take from a couple of days to 1-2 weeks, and developing a unique site from 3-4 weeks to several months.

The second is the cost per 1 hour of a web developer: programmer, layout designer, designer, project manager, etc. ..

You can focus on the following amounts when ordering a site on «Joomla!» with us:


Cost of 1 person-hour "web developer" in Minsk varies from 50 to 100 BYN.
In our company, the price for 1 pax hour. = 60 BYN.

Website on CMS «Joomla!» template based Website on CMS «Joomla!» on redesign template Website on CMS «Joomla!» with unique design
What is included: What is included: What is included:
License CMS Joomla! License CMS Joomla! License CMS Joomla!
Purchased website template Purchased website template Unique design
Install and configure the template Install and configure the template Create a template based on the layout
Redesign of the template for the style of the customer’s company creation of a unique layout design
If necessary, additional HTML-coding HTML-coding
If necessary, additional PHP programming PHP programming


  • Main
  • Products / Services / Price List
  • Photo gallery / Portfolio
  • News
  • Blog / Articles
  • About
  • Contacts


  • Main
  • Products / Services / Price List
  • Photo gallery / Portfolio
  • News
  • Blog / Articles
  • About
  • Contacts


  • Main
  • Products / Services / Price List
  • Photo gallery / Portfolio
  • News
  • Blog / Articles
  • About
  • Contacts
Mobile version Mobile version Mobile version
Free: Free: Free:
Basic SEO promotion (sitemap /sitemap.xml, file /robots.txt, H1 headers, addition to Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console)
Additional site protection against hacking
SSL certificate connection (secure https protocol) SSL certificate connection (secure https protocol)
Live Chat Connection Live Chat Connection
Attendance counters (integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics) Attendance counters (integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics) Attendance counters (integration with Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics)
Creating Corporate Mailboxes Creating Corporate Mailboxes Creating Corporate Mailboxes
Testing Testing Testing
Field training Field training Field training
Warranty up to 3 months Warranty up to 6 months Warranty up to 12 months
Timing: Timing: Timing:
from 1 to 2 weeks from 2 to 4 weeks from 4 to 8 weeks
The cost of work: The cost of work: The cost of work:
1 200 BYN 2 400 BYN 4 200 BYN
Order Order Order

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Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.


* The backend is a part of the site that is inaccessible to ordinary visitors to the site, but accessible to the site owner by login and password. Here the employees of the company owning the site can edit and add content for the site: texts, pictures, logo, links in the menu, and so on.

** The frontend is the part of the site that is accessible to everyone. In fact, this is the site itself - the main and internal pages that the user sees.

Work examples:

Development timeline

The timing of the creation of any site directly depends on its complexity. The more complex the project, the longer it takes to develop. So:

  • website on the template* — from 1 to 2 weeks
  • website with redesign template** — from 2 to 4 weeks
  • site with a unique design — from 4 to 8 weeks

Why companies choose us:

  • strong portfolio and expertise
  • possibility of subsequent SEO website promotion at the developer
  • assistance in registering a site in «BelGIE»
  • mandatory protection of the site from hacks and attacks
  • warranty tech. service up to 12 months
  • technical support Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00
  • 15 years, 3 month и 22 day on the market of Belarus

In the rating of Baynet 2024 we took:

We are the winners of competitions:


* Template — half-finished site with an already developed design. Using a template significantly reduces the time and cost of website development.

** Redesign Template — template with changing colors, fonts and other elements to the level corresponding to the corporate style of the customer.

*** CMS (content management system) — special software (software) that allows you to change the site settings (sections, buttons, etc.) and the content (texts, photos, videos) of the site to any person without the knowledge of a programmer.

**** 1C-Bitrix license is paid by the customer separately. Depending on the type of site, we will offer you the optimal type of license.

