Mobile site

Mobile site

Mobile site

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Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.

Mobile site

You can find out the prices or order the creation of a mobile version of the site by phone in Minsk: +375 (17) 307-06-27, +375 (44) 474-20-25.

What is the mobile version of the site?

Mobile (adaptive) site is a complex of work on finalizing the website’s design layout and HTML layout so that the website displays correctly on any screen resolution on any device, including mobile.

Benefits of creating a mobile version

  • increase the position of the site in the search results of Yandex and Google from mobile devices
  • increase traffic * site
  • increased site loading speed
  • average bounce rates from mobile devices are reduced (up to 5%)
  • call from the site in 1 click
  • usability
  • correct display of all elements of the site
  • increase user loyalty

Work examples:

Development timeline

The timing of the completion of the site depends on the complexity of the work. So that we can determine the cost as accurately as possible, contact us and describe the necessary improvements in your own words (without technical specifications).


Cost of 1 person-hour "web developer" in Minsk varies from 50 to 100 BYN.
In our company, the price for 1 pax hour. = 60 BYN.

Mobile site for Landing Page, promo site Mobile site for corporate site Mobile site for catalog site, online store
What is included: What is included: What is included:
Creation of a additional layouts Creation of a additional layouts Creation of a additional layouts
HTML-coding HTML-coding HTML-coding
If necessary, additional PHP programming If necessary, additional PHP programming If necessary, additional PHP programming
Warranty up to 12 months Warranty up to 12 months Warranty up to 12 months
Timing: Timing: Timing:
from 2 to 4 days from 4 to 8 days from 1 to 2 weeks
The cost of work: The cost of work: The cost of work:
960 BYN 1 440 BYN 1 920 BYN
Order Order Order

Why companies choose us:

  • strong portfolio and expertise
  • possibility of subsequent SEO website promotion at the developer
  • assistance in registering a site in «BelGIE»
  • mandatory protection of the site from hacks and attacks
  • warranty tech. service up to 12 months
  • technical support Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00
  • 15 years, 3 month и 22 day on the market of Belarus

In the rating of Baynet 2024 we took:

We are the winners of competitions:

Hire Us

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Your request has been sent

Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.


* According to in 2016, 59% of Belarusians own smartphones and actively use them to access the Internet, while 49% of smartphone owners are looking for information about products.

