


Hire Us

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Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.


What is this?

Copywriting is a service for writing advertising and communication texts for a site.

Why order?

  • saving company resources
  • increase site position in Yandex and Google
  • increase site traffic
  • increase site conversion
  • increased sales
  • reduced bounce rates and increased time spent on the site

Who orders?

  • companies that need to fill the new site with content
  • companies promoting their sites themselves

What kind of work is being done?

  • compilation of the article’s skeleton
  • article writing
  • adding characteristic words
  • spam filtering
  • filtering against parasite words

Work examples:


Cost of 1 person-hour "SEO specialist" in Minsk varies from 50 to 100 BYN.
In our company, the price for 1 pax hour. = 60 BYN.

Copywriting per 1000 characters
What is included:
Preparation of Articles schema
Writing Articles
Adding Characteristic Words
Spam Filtering
Parasite word filtering
from 1 to 2 hours
The cost of work:
30 BYN

Why companies choose us:

  • strong portfolio and expertise
  • possibility of subsequent SEO website promotion at the developer
  • assistance in registering a site in «BelGIE»
  • mandatory protection of the site from hacks and attacks
  • warranty tech. service up to 12 months
  • technical support Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00
  • 15 years, 4 month и 18 days on the market of Belarus

In the rating of Baynet 2024 we took:

We are the winners of competitions:

Hire Us

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Your request has been sent

Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.


* CMS (content management system) — special software (software) that allows you to change the site settings (sections, buttons, etc.) and the content (texts, photos, videos) of the site to any person without the knowledge of a programmer.

