Services Website development Promo site Promo site A Promo site is a small website consisting of 5-7 pages with the most important information about the organization. Sometimes this type of site is compared with a small presentation of the company. От 1200 BYN — Promo site on a template. От 2400 BYN — Promo site on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Promo site with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Corporate website Corporate website Corporate website is a multi-page website whose Main goal is to most fully and clearly present all About information and attract new customers. От 2400 BYN — Corporate Website on template. От 4200 BYN — Corporate website on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Corporate website with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Landing Page Landing Page Landing Page is a web page dedicated to one product (service), the Main task of which is to encourage the visitor to perform the target action (make a phone call, fill out an application, etc.). От 1200 BYN — Landing Page template based. От 2400 BYN — Landing Page on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Landing Page with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Catalog site Catalog site Catalog site is a commercial site with a large section of goods (or services). This type of site is very similar to an online store, but unlike the latter, it does not have a basket of goods and the ability to shop online. От 2400 BYN — Catalog site template based. От 4200 BYN — Catalog site on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Catalog site with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Online store Online store Online store is a site designed to sell a wide range of products over the Internet. A distinctive feature of such a site is the presence of a basket and the ability to pay for goods online (usually with a credit card). От 2400 BYN — Online store template based. От 4200 BYN — Online store on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Online store with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Mobile version Mobile version Mobile (adaptive) site is a complex of work on finalizing the website’s design layout and HTML layout so that the website displays correctly on any screen resolution on any device, including mobile. От 960 BYN — Mobile site for Landing Page, promo site. От 1440 BYN — Mobile site for corporate site. От 1920 BYN — Mobile site for catalog site, online store. Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Search promotion Site audit Site audit SEO audit is an assessment of a website’s state in terms of search engine promotion. Technical, behavioral, link, and other factors are evaluated that affect the site’s position in search engines. От 180 BYN — Site audit (full). Рейтинг услуги: website promotion (SEO) website promotion (SEO) Search engine promotion is a series of technical, marketing and other works carried out on the customer’s site in order to increase the site’s position in the search engine Yandex and Google or increase the overall traffic to the site. От 780 BYN — Search engine promotion (SEO) monthly by position. Рейтинг услуги: Website optimization for social networks (SMO) Website optimization for social networks (SMO) SMO (on english Social media optimization or optimization for social media) — This is a set of works aimed at attracting visitors from social networks, Blogs, etc. to the site. От 420 BYN — Website optimization for social networks (SMO) — complete. Рейтинг услуги: Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting is a service for writing advertising and communication texts for a site. От 30 BYN — Writing articles (copyright) per 1000 characters. Рейтинг услуги: Analytics Analytics Website analytics — these are works presented on the site in order to analyze the behavior of users on the site. От 600 BYN — Website analytics — monthly. Рейтинг услуги: Website Maintenance Website maintenance Website maintenance If your organization every month feels the need to carry out work on the site, but there is no programmer on staff, then you can transfer your Website on remote technical Maintenance to our web studio. 60 BYN — Periodic Maintenance — Hourly Payment. 360 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Basic». 720 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Optimal». 1200 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Maximum». Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Finalization of sites Finalization of sites Finalization of site - this is additional work on the site, namely redesign, layout, programming and other work that we are ready to do for you, perhaps, on any type of site. At the same time, you pay only for the hours we spent on revision, no monthly subscriptions. 60 BYN — Finalization of sites. Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Graphic design Web Design Web Design Web Design — this is designing the usability of the site. The more logical, convenient and more beautiful the site, the better its design. От 1800 BYN — Web Design promo site. От 3000 BYN — Web Design corporate site. От 4200 BYN — Web Design online store, catalog site. Рейтинг услуги: Web UI UX Design Web UI UX Design Web UI UX Design — this is Creation of a convenient environment (interface) for user and product interaction (website, application, etc.). От 1800 BYN — Web UI UX Design simple site. От 3000 BYN — Web UI UX Design personal user account. От 4200 BYN — Web UI UX Design Service site. Рейтинг услуги: Contextual advertising Yandex Direct Yandex Direct Yandex Direct is online advertising in the Yandex search engine. От 120 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «Start». От 300 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «Business». От 480 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «VIP». Рейтинг услуги: Google AdWords Google AdWords Google AdWords is an online ad on the Google search engine. От 120 BYN — Google AdWords — package «Start». От 300 BYN — Google AdWords — package «Business». От 480 BYN — Google AdWords — package «VIP». Рейтинг услуги: Conversion increase Conversion increase A site conversion is the number of customers who contacted the company or made a purchase after visiting the site. Usually site conversion is expressed as a percentage. От 960 BYN — Conversion increase one page site. Рейтинг услуги: Application Development iOS iOS Today, increasingly, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the iOS platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content applications for iOS. От 4200 BYN — creation iOS apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation iOS apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Android Android Today, increasingly, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the Android platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content apps for Android. От 4200 BYN — creation Android apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation Android apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Windows Windows Today, more and more, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the Windows platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content apps for windows. От 4200 BYN — creation Windows apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation Windows apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Development at 1C-Bitrix Web Development on «1C-Bitrix» Web Development on «1C-Bitrix» CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» (abbreviated as «Bitrix» or «1C-Bitrix») is the most popular content management system in the CIS among all paid systems. Like any content management system, 1C-Bitrix allows an ordinary employee of any company, even being just a PC user, to manage and add content on a website. От 4200 BYN — Turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix». От 7800 BYN — Turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix» with redesign. От 12000 BYN — Unique solutions on «1C-Bitrix». Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Licenses «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» Licenses «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» Revisions (or Licenses) in «1C-Bitrix» is a distinction between this CMS in terms of functionality and, accordingly, cost. Each edition contains a different number of ready-made modules and features. 530 BYN — редакция Start. 1150 BYN — редакция Standard. 2150 BYN — редакция Small business. BYN — редакция Business. Рейтинг: Composite site — x100 speed Composite site — x100 speed «Composite site» — эit’s a special technology specifically for CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management», which allows you to postpone the loading of «heavy» site hours, thereby instantly showing the site page to the user. As a result, the user does not wait for the page to load completely and sees the most important information instantly. От 1800 BYN — Composite site for an existing site on «1C-Bitrix». От 4200 BYN — New composite Website on turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix». От 6000 BYN — New composite Website with unique design on «1C-Bitrix». Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Website development for free CMS Web Development on Wordpress Web Development on Wordpress CMS Wordpress (abbreviated as WP) is the most popular CMS among all content management systems, both paid and free. As with any CMS, in Wordpress you can conveniently change the content of a site without resorting to the services of web studios. This content management system is completely free and extremely easy to manage. От 1200 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress template based. От 2400 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Web Development on CMS «Joomla!» Web Development on CMS «Joomla!» CMS «Joomla!» (in Russian it is pronounced «CMS Jumla» and Translated from Swahor as «all together») - this is one of the most popular CMS-systems for content management in the world, which allows people to fill and edit sites without special knowledge in programming and HTML-layout . This system is distributed free under the GNU GPL (Free Software License). От 1200 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» template based. От 2400 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги:
Website development Promo site Promo site A Promo site is a small website consisting of 5-7 pages with the most important information about the organization. Sometimes this type of site is compared with a small presentation of the company. От 1200 BYN — Promo site on a template. От 2400 BYN — Promo site on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Promo site with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Corporate website Corporate website Corporate website is a multi-page website whose Main goal is to most fully and clearly present all About information and attract new customers. От 2400 BYN — Corporate Website on template. От 4200 BYN — Corporate website on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Corporate website with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Landing Page Landing Page Landing Page is a web page dedicated to one product (service), the Main task of which is to encourage the visitor to perform the target action (make a phone call, fill out an application, etc.). От 1200 BYN — Landing Page template based. От 2400 BYN — Landing Page on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Landing Page with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Catalog site Catalog site Catalog site is a commercial site with a large section of goods (or services). This type of site is very similar to an online store, but unlike the latter, it does not have a basket of goods and the ability to shop online. От 2400 BYN — Catalog site template based. От 4200 BYN — Catalog site on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Catalog site with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Online store Online store Online store is a site designed to sell a wide range of products over the Internet. A distinctive feature of such a site is the presence of a basket and the ability to pay for goods online (usually with a credit card). От 2400 BYN — Online store template based. От 4200 BYN — Online store on redesign template. От 10200 BYN — Online store with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Mobile version Mobile version Mobile (adaptive) site is a complex of work on finalizing the website’s design layout and HTML layout so that the website displays correctly on any screen resolution on any device, including mobile. От 960 BYN — Mobile site for Landing Page, promo site. От 1440 BYN — Mobile site for corporate site. От 1920 BYN — Mobile site for catalog site, online store. Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги:
Search promotion Site audit Site audit SEO audit is an assessment of a website’s state in terms of search engine promotion. Technical, behavioral, link, and other factors are evaluated that affect the site’s position in search engines. От 180 BYN — Site audit (full). Рейтинг услуги: website promotion (SEO) website promotion (SEO) Search engine promotion is a series of technical, marketing and other works carried out on the customer’s site in order to increase the site’s position in the search engine Yandex and Google or increase the overall traffic to the site. От 780 BYN — Search engine promotion (SEO) monthly by position. Рейтинг услуги: Website optimization for social networks (SMO) Website optimization for social networks (SMO) SMO (on english Social media optimization or optimization for social media) — This is a set of works aimed at attracting visitors from social networks, Blogs, etc. to the site. От 420 BYN — Website optimization for social networks (SMO) — complete. Рейтинг услуги: Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting is a service for writing advertising and communication texts for a site. От 30 BYN — Writing articles (copyright) per 1000 characters. Рейтинг услуги: Analytics Analytics Website analytics — these are works presented on the site in order to analyze the behavior of users on the site. От 600 BYN — Website analytics — monthly. Рейтинг услуги:
Website Maintenance Website maintenance Website maintenance If your organization every month feels the need to carry out work on the site, but there is no programmer on staff, then you can transfer your Website on remote technical Maintenance to our web studio. 60 BYN — Periodic Maintenance — Hourly Payment. 360 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Basic». 720 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Optimal». 1200 BYN — Continuous maintenance — package «Maximum». Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Finalization of sites Finalization of sites Finalization of site - this is additional work on the site, namely redesign, layout, programming and other work that we are ready to do for you, perhaps, on any type of site. At the same time, you pay only for the hours we spent on revision, no monthly subscriptions. 60 BYN — Finalization of sites. Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги:
Graphic design Web Design Web Design Web Design — this is designing the usability of the site. The more logical, convenient and more beautiful the site, the better its design. От 1800 BYN — Web Design promo site. От 3000 BYN — Web Design corporate site. От 4200 BYN — Web Design online store, catalog site. Рейтинг услуги: Web UI UX Design Web UI UX Design Web UI UX Design — this is Creation of a convenient environment (interface) for user and product interaction (website, application, etc.). От 1800 BYN — Web UI UX Design simple site. От 3000 BYN — Web UI UX Design personal user account. От 4200 BYN — Web UI UX Design Service site. Рейтинг услуги:
Contextual advertising Yandex Direct Yandex Direct Yandex Direct is online advertising in the Yandex search engine. От 120 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «Start». От 300 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «Business». От 480 BYN — Yandex.Direct — package «VIP». Рейтинг услуги: Google AdWords Google AdWords Google AdWords is an online ad on the Google search engine. От 120 BYN — Google AdWords — package «Start». От 300 BYN — Google AdWords — package «Business». От 480 BYN — Google AdWords — package «VIP». Рейтинг услуги: Conversion increase Conversion increase A site conversion is the number of customers who contacted the company or made a purchase after visiting the site. Usually site conversion is expressed as a percentage. От 960 BYN — Conversion increase one page site. Рейтинг услуги:
Application Development iOS iOS Today, increasingly, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the iOS platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content applications for iOS. От 4200 BYN — creation iOS apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation iOS apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Android Android Today, increasingly, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the Android platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content apps for Android. От 4200 BYN — creation Android apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation Android apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Windows Windows Today, more and more, for solving marketing problems, the business is choosing the development of mobile applications for the Windows platform. От 2400 BYN — creation content apps for windows. От 4200 BYN — creation Windows apps for the store. От 10200 BYN — creation Windows apps for Startupа. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги:
Development at 1C-Bitrix Web Development on «1C-Bitrix» Web Development on «1C-Bitrix» CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» (abbreviated as «Bitrix» or «1C-Bitrix») is the most popular content management system in the CIS among all paid systems. Like any content management system, 1C-Bitrix allows an ordinary employee of any company, even being just a PC user, to manage and add content on a website. От 4200 BYN — Turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix». От 7800 BYN — Turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix» with redesign. От 12000 BYN — Unique solutions on «1C-Bitrix». Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Licenses «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» Licenses «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» Revisions (or Licenses) in «1C-Bitrix» is a distinction between this CMS in terms of functionality and, accordingly, cost. Each edition contains a different number of ready-made modules and features. 530 BYN — редакция Start. 1150 BYN — редакция Standard. 2150 BYN — редакция Small business. BYN — редакция Business. Рейтинг: Composite site — x100 speed Composite site — x100 speed «Composite site» — эit’s a special technology specifically for CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management», which allows you to postpone the loading of «heavy» site hours, thereby instantly showing the site page to the user. As a result, the user does not wait for the page to load completely and sees the most important information instantly. От 1800 BYN — Composite site for an existing site on «1C-Bitrix». От 4200 BYN — New composite Website on turnkey solution on «1C-Bitrix». От 6000 BYN — New composite Website with unique design on «1C-Bitrix». Гарантия — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги:
Website development for free CMS Web Development on Wordpress Web Development on Wordpress CMS Wordpress (abbreviated as WP) is the most popular CMS among all content management systems, both paid and free. As with any CMS, in Wordpress you can conveniently change the content of a site without resorting to the services of web studios. This content management system is completely free and extremely easy to manage. От 1200 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress template based. От 2400 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Website on CMS Wordpress with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: Web Development on CMS «Joomla!» Web Development on CMS «Joomla!» CMS «Joomla!» (in Russian it is pronounced «CMS Jumla» and Translated from Swahor as «all together») - this is one of the most popular CMS-systems for content management in the world, which allows people to fill and edit sites without special knowledge in programming and HTML-layout . This system is distributed free under the GNU GPL (Free Software License). От 1200 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» template based. От 2400 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» on redesign template. От 4200 BYN — Website on CMS «Joomla!» with unique design. Гарантийное техобслуживание — до 12 месяцев. Рейтинг услуги: