New Project - Catalog site OUTE - The main task of the site is to emphasize the quality of the products with a beautiful and effective design and eventually get out of hundreds of other gray sites.
Features of the new project:
- unique design , for both the main and all internal pages, created with a custom grid layout blocks
- full-screen slider on the home page
- the site has installed and configured protection against hacking and hacker attacks , which nullifies the potential hacking caused by the huge popularity of CMS Joomla!
- responsive design (mobile version) allows you to conveniently view the site on any device of any resolution
- all elements of the front-end* (visible to all parts of the site) are connected to the second most common free management system in the world CMS «Joomla!»**, making it easy to fill the site and reduce future maintenance costs
Link to the project:
Individual parts of the project:
Screenshot of the project home page:
* The frontend is the part of the site that is accessible to everyone. In fact, this is the site itself - the main and internal pages that the user sees.
** CMS (content management system, "SUS") - software for convenient management and creation of site content.