Website for Pioneroin Belarus —
New Project — Corporate website for Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO) —

New Project — Corporate website for Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO) —

Our Web Studio completed the New Project for children and youth - Corporate (+ news) Website for for Belarusian Pioneer Organization (abbreviated as BRPO) - Now, schoolchildren, pioneers, October students will be able to find out the latest News, take part in contests and events - and all this through the new site.

Features of the new project:

Screenshot of the project home page:

Hire Us

Attach files

Your request has been sent

Our managers will study the request you sent and will answer you shortly (up to 3 hours from the moment of receipt of the application).

An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.


* The frontend is the part of the site that is accessible to everyone. In fact, this is the site itself - the main and internal pages that the user sees.

** CMS (content management system, "SUS") - software for convenient management and creation of site content.

