Rating of web studios Baynet — 2019

Rating of web studios Baynet — 2019

Rating of web studios Baynet — 2019

About rating

Baynet rating is an annual competition of web studios, SEO companies, contextual advertising agencies, the Internet and digital agencyin Belarus, the aim of which is to compile independent ratings.

The competition has been held since 2010.

Each year, the rating displays the TOP of the best developers and web design studios in Belarus. You can see the official data for 2019 based on a general analysis of the results in the table below.

Results — 2019

Place Company Year of foundation Points E-mail
11 ITG-SOFT </> ITG-SOFT </> 2010 37,93 Points info@itg-soft.by
1 Новый Сайт Новый Сайт 2002 77,97 Points contact@newsite.by
2 RichBrains RichBrains 2011 73,72 Points hello@richbrains.net
3 SKY INCOM SKY INCOM 2002 62,14 Points info@skyname.net
4 Flex.Media Flex.Media 2010 59,98 Points info@flex.media
5 LOVATA LOVATA 2008 55,54 Points info@lovata.com
6 Медиа Лайн Медиа Лайн 2006 52,94 Points minsk@medialine.by
7 Nineseven Nineseven 2009 45,59 Points info@nineseven.ru
7 Иквадарт Иквадарт 2004 45,53 Points info@iquadart.by
8 KRAVTSOV+MIT KRAVTSOV+MIT 2008 42,82 Points kravtsov.digital@gmail.com
9 Ariol Ariol 2010 41,54 Points info@ariol.by
10 LikeIT LikeIT 2013 38,08 Points info@likeit.by
11 ITG-SOFT </> ITG-SOFT </> 2010 37,93 Points info@itg-soft.by
11 Slam Slam 2016 37,96 Points info@slam.by
12 Egorov Agency Egorov Agency 2014 37,40 Points welcome@aaee.by
13 Восточные технологии Восточные технологии 2010 36,94 Points mail@east-tech.by
14 Concept Concept 2006 34,95 Points info@cnc.by
15 ArtisMedia ArtisMedia 2001 34,59 Points info@artismedia.by
15 Clickmedia Clickmedia 2010 34,56 Points info@clickmedia.by
16 Good.media Good.media 2017 33,73 Points info@goodmedia.by
16 Nambawan Nambawan 2016 33,70 Points hello@nambawan.by
17 Webernetic Webernetic 2010 31,80 Points office@webernetic.by
18 ЯР Студия ЯР Студия 2016 30,40 Points yar@bydesign.by

Link to the source (Baynet rating)

Announce a tender

For your convenience, here is a list of the email addresses of all web studios from the rating (just copy it and use to send your application):

info@itg-soft.by, contact@newsite.by, hello@richbrains.net, info@skyname.net, info@flex.media, info@lovata.com, minsk@medialine.by, info@nineseven.ru, info@iquadart.by, kravtsov.digital@gmail.com, info@ariol.by, info@likeit.by, info@slam.by, info@itg-soft.by, welcome@aaee.by, mail@east-tech.by, info@cnc.by, info@artismedia.by, info@clickmedia.by, info@goodmedia.by, hello@nambawan.by, office@webernetic.by, yar@bydesign.by

Important! Do not forget to send these addresses in a blind copy when sending your application.

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An answer will be provided on business days in accordance with our work schedule — Mo-Fr, from 9:00 to 18:00.

