Our large Project - Corporate website (portal) OAO Belvtorchermet - Bvm.by. is completed The main objective of the Project is to combine information on all scrap collection points in one place, implement a geolocation system - the site content dynamically changes depending on the locality, to achieve full compliance with GOSTs.
Features of the new project:
- full compliance with GOST STB 2105-2012
- geolocation system allows you to dynamically display information (contacts, goods, scrap collection points, etc.) on the site, depending on the chosen settlement
- your product catalog for each locality (branch of the organization)
- Yandex dynamic map with all Belarus scrap collection points that are automatically added to the map when they are created in the administrative part of the site
- Professional version for visually impaired is fully integrated with CMS* «1С-Bitrix
- increased site security according to GOST STB 2105-2012, thanks to using CMS «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» in edition «Standart»
- all elements of the frontend** (visible to all parts of the site) to the system «1C-Bitrix: Site Management» in edition «Standart» which makes it easy to fill the site and reduce future maintenance costs
- separate language version of the site in Belarusian according to GOST STB 2105-2012 , which also has all the functionality that is placed on the main version, for example, a dynamic library map , personal account, etc.
- responsive design (mobile version) allows you to conveniently view the site on any device of any resolution
- developed new site structure to achieve the accessibility of any page of the site with a maximum of 3 clicks
Link to the project: https://bvm.by/
Individual parts of the project:
Screenshot of the project home page:
* The frontend is the part of the site that is accessible to everyone. In fact, this is the site itself - the main and internal pages that the user sees.
** CMS (content management system, "SUS") - software for convenient management and creation of site content.